Contact Us

Contact Us

* Feedback, Requests and Inquiries

Contact form FAQ
Customer Care Center TEL:0120-345-299
(Only within Japan)10:00~17:30 (Weekdays excluding Sat., holidays, year-end and new year)

* Inquiries About New Business and Product

Contact form

* Online Store Inquiries

Online store inquiry form

* Inquiry About Credit-card Business(Xebio Card)

▶︎Inquiry about Credit-Card
XEBIO Card Help Desk TEL:+81-3-6893-8288
9:00~17:30(Mon-Fri)、9:00~17:00(Sat., Sun. and holidays)
▶︎Inquiry about Lost or Stolen Card
For Lost or Stolen Card, Contact Tokyo: +81-3-6688-7669 Osaka: +81-6-7709-8500
(Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
▶︎Inquiries about the Point Contact Information
XEBIO Point Center Toll Free: 0120-952-173 (Only within Japan)
Victoria Point Card Bureau Toll Free: 0120-912-818 (Only within Japan)
10:00~17:30 (Weekdays excluding Sat., holidays, year-end and new year)

* Inquiries about IR

Contact form        
XEBIO Corporate Co., Ltd.For any IR-related inquiries, we kindly request that you submit your questions through our website’s contact form. This will ensure a prompt and accurate response.
Thank you for your understanding.

* Inquiries About Career

XEBIO Corporate Co., Ltd.
HR Development
Toll Free: 0120-03-0366 (Only within Japan)

* Inquiries About Privacy Policy

XEBIO holding Co., Ltd.
Privacy Policy Committee
Tel: +81-24-924-1266
10:00~17:00 (Weekdays excluding Sat., holidays, year-end and new year)