IR Information

Stock Information

Securities Code 8281
Stock Exchange Listing Tokyo Stock Exchange
Total Number of Authorized Shares 135,000,000
Total Number of Issued Shares 47,911,023
Share Unit 100
Number of Shareholders (including Treasury Shares) 47,263 (As of March 31, 2024)
Business Year From 1st April of each year to 31st March of the following year.
Annual Meeting of Shareholders Late June
The Date to Determine Shareholders who Exercise Voting Rights for the Same Meeting. The last day of March
The Date to Determine Shareholders who Receive Dividends. The last day of March
The Date to Determine Shareholders who Receive Midterm Dividends. The last day of September
Shareholders Registry Administrator Head Office of Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd.
Handling Office 3-11 Kanda-nishikichou, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054, Japan (Kanda-nishikicho Sanchoume Building 6F)
Contact Office Each contact place of Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd. (*)
Inquiry Toll-free 0120-49-7009 (within Japan)
Public Notice Method Our public notice is electronic public notice. If the Company is unable to give an electronic public notice because of an accident or any other unavoidable reason, public notices of the Company may be given in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
About Public Notice
Privileges of Shareholders Every year in the last day of March and September, we will present “Special Complimentary Ticket” to shareholders by the following standard which can be used in all the XEBIO Group stores. However, there are some excluded items.
Please see shareholder special benefit plan on our website for more information.

Shareholders who own 100shares or more
    ・・・・・・ One 20%-off coupon/Four 10%-off coupons
Shareholder who own 1,000shares or more
    ・・・・・・ Two 20%-off coupons/Eight 10%-off coupons